Why Every Cam Girl Should Have a Mailing List

by Alex Shwarz on December 16, 2009 · 3 comments

sexy-postgirlIf you don’t use mailing list on your site or blog you are losing money. The longer you don’t have it the more money you lose. Collecting email addresses of visitors who are interested in your content makes you really independent cam model. Let me show you why.

Here is how it works:

  1. You put web form somewhere on your site (in free area) that collects names and email addresses from visitors. You can see such a form on my blog to the right (it says “Subscribe to Newsletter”). Sure not every visitor leaves his email address but those who do most likely are interested in your content.
  2. Once visitor fills out the form and clicks the “Submit” button he receives confirmation email that asks to confirm his email address by clicking the link inside.
  3. Once visitor clicks the link he’s taken to the “Thank you” page. At this point you are getting email subscriber who is interested in your site/blog since he filled out his info (name and email address) and confirmed his email address.

If you haven’t subscribed to my blog yet you can use the subscribe form on to the right (close to the top) to go through the whole process see how it works. Plus you’ll receive my newsletter :-)

So if you update your site or blog regularly your mailing list will start to grow. In 3-4 months you may have hundreds of email addresses. And it will be growing every day. I know guys who have up to 250,000 email addresses collected this way.

And this is how you can use this mailing list to make money:

  1. Set up so that once you publish new article on your blog the automatic email gets sent to all your email subscribers. This email could include a little snippet from the article and link back to your blog to read full article. This way you’ll be getting instant traffic spikes to your blogs when you publish new articles. And more traffic means more money, right?
  2. You can announce your cam shows this way. For example once a week you can send out an email about your upcoming show with some teasing pictures, etc. This way you’ll be getting instant buyers of your show. No need to waste yur time in free chats. And if you changed your cam network you can let your fans know about this via email as well.
  3. If you sell your picture sets, calendars, lingerie, etc you can email announcements about new stuff for sale.

These are just a couple of ways how you can earn money from mailing list. There are many more, just use your imagination. This is called email marketing. The point is that you have backward communication channel with your fans. You can reach them whenever you want. Email is the most reliable way to reach people. Most people check their emails every day, more regularly than checking their Facebook or Twitter pages.

So if you have your site or blog running and don’t have mailing list set up yet, do so now. It’s not hard to set it up at all and you can easily do it by yourself. There are many services out there that help you manage and grow your mailing list. If you can afford to spend $20 a month I would definitely recommend AWeber. This is the best email subscribers management solution on the market. It provides all you need: customizable web forms, interface to send broadcast emails to your subscribers, integration with your blog, documentation and video tutorials, etc. I use it myself and very happy. And the first month is just $1 so why not to try it?

Update: AWeber is not adult friendly. See my other post for more details.

Have you ever thought about using mailing list for you site or blog?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Rita 03.07.10 at 1:42 pm

Just wondering if you would share who are as using for email manager, adult friendly. Thanks

2 Alex Shwarz 03.08.10 at 9:06 pm

Glad you asked this question. After I’ve got kicked off from AWeber I started looking for adult friendly email marketing solution and I couldn’t find any. So I decided to to use some free self-hosted solution and found that the most popular is PHPList. This is what I use until now. It was pain in an ass to set it up the way similar to what I had with AWeber but I managed to do this (thanks to my technical skills).

I’ve recently noticed that one of the adult model uses BigHip to run her email newsletters. But I haven’t found any good or bad feedback about this service. Plus I tried to contact them twice asking if they are adult friendly and haven’t got any response. I keep actively looking for adult friendly email marketing solution

3 Rita 03.13.10 at 7:57 am

Thanks for the response. I am thinking of doing cam work and find your site very helpful. Thank you.

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